A corner of clear skies and warm sunshine, among Italy gripped by rain and risk situations, in Gaeta the area that marks the boundary between central and southern Italy that still has the strong character of the past southern kingdom of the two Sicilies. Between "tielle", Gaeta olives and mozzarella in the Lazio coast people have both the "roman" and the "naples" accent, a combination of often conflicting cultures.
The stage has as scenery the Montagna Spaccata, one of the sharpest edges of Italy: La Croce del Sud!
With Adriano Trombetta accompany great students who, in just two days from newbies on multipitch, can "pull" (open a route as lead) one of the most beautiful routes of South Centre!
Here are the routes got in the three days of course:
- Beatrice (Montagna Spaccata, Gaeta)
- Croce Del Sud (Montagna Spaccata, Gaeta)
- Ragno Di Mare (Punta Campanella, Massa Lubrense)
le 25 nuove vie ( di cui 3 Multipitch) attrezzate da Francesco Galasso ( DirezioneVerticale.it ) e Cristiano Bacci ( AssociazionelaSelva.it ) con materiale inox 316L e resinate vanno ad aggiungersi alle 8 già Esistenti chiodate nel 2007 con materiali 304 . Queste ultime sono da richiodare in quanto presentano evidenti segni di corrosione in special modo sulle soste di calata (che peraltro sono su tasselli inox 304 , quindi non resinate) porre la massima attenzione.