Climbing course multipitch routes

corso arrampicata multipitch vie lunghe:

Move up on more lenght requires knowledge that goes beyond just climbing!

This course, which consists about rappeling technique , basic maneuvers and anchor managing. Everything to form people who are then able to autonomously go on “multipitch” routes.

Sou can see also our Multipitch proposals:
Stage “Trad” Multipitch
Stage Ice Climbing Multipitch

Dedicated to those who already climb on single pitches at the crag and want to expand their “climbing” experience between the walls overlooking the sea or in the mountains.


Download details Pdf  HERE.

gaeta climbing @ montagna spaccata

Read the arcticle of past experiences in Penisola e Gaeta

multipitch vie più lunghezze campania




Office: Via Rajola, 32 80053
Castellammare di Stabia (Napoli).

Indoor Climbing Wall: Via delle Sorgenti, 80051
Agerola (Napoli).