climbingwallcontest 2020

Dal 2 Ottobre al 20 Dicembre 2020 Alla ClimbingWall Agerola Ci saranno, ogni Martedì e Venerdì sera, sessioni speciali di Ranking. Ogni via salita attribuira' punteggio per la classifica settimanale. Il punteggio sara' attribuito secondo La qualità' e la quantità' dei tentativi di salitaAlla sezione Climbing Wall Contest del sito potrete consultare la descrizione delle vie, le difficolta' e il regolamento. Inoltre...


happy climbing easter | Buona Pasqua 2020 🇮🇹

Un nodo in arrampicata e’ come un cordone ombelicale, contraddice alla solitudine! Ci lega insieme a una cordata e ci lega assieme a un obiettivo comune: scalare piu’ in alto per uscire da una qualche difficolta’. Leghiamoci ancora assieme, #distantimauniti contro il virus che ci vuole soli, per scalare questo periodo difficile. Nonostante tutto, e’ la festa della risurrezione a nuova vita! Buona Pasqua Italia🇮🇹   Visualizza questo...


ice climbing stage direzione verticale | dolomiti 2020

Nell' #inverno ☃️ che porta solo #virus 🦠 e col contagocce poco #ghiaccio ❄️ e clima gente pure 😱... ma noi non ci arrendiamo ! Uno dei pochissimi posti in Europa dove poter scalare su #ghiaccio con queste condizioni e' la Val di Tures, in Sudtirol , una strettissima valle con un microclima glaciale....ecco a voi le clip piu' belle come sempre disponibili anche sul nostro canale YouTube #direzioneverticale ⚬⚬⚬⚬...


ice climbing stage 2018 direzione verticale

Stage ice climbing cascate ghiaccio ice climbing stage 2018 vertical direction Climbing training on icefalls (ice climbing) to the serge of sottoguda (dolomites) organized by direzione verticale Ice climbing (it also refers to ice falls to refer to the activity) is a discipline deriving from alpinism and climbing. It consists in climbing with the fundamental help of ice axes and crampons, and with the use of other materials, on the icy mountain formations.  ...


Capri Deep Water Solo Climbing

The island of Capri, the most beautiful rocky vision that you might have, among the pearls of the Mediterranean. Climbing on excellent rocks in the most spectacular and free climbing style: the "Deep Water Solo Climbing" for some also known as Psicobloc or as Deep Water Soloing (DWS). We, at Direzione Verticale, know what we're talking about ...   The Deep Water Soloing is a form of climbing solo without insurance that is practiced on cliffs, where the only protection is...


Ice climbing in Gran Paradiso: stage program

Ice climbing stage on ice falls in the heart of Gran Paradiso massif. Staying at the charming refuge Massimo Mila. Ice climbing (also referred to as ice falls) is a discipline arising from mountaineering and climbing. It is about climbing with the help of ice axes and crampons, and with the use of other materials, on icy formations like the couloirs and ice gully or seracs, high in the mountains or on the ice in the middle mountain. You can hook up on the ice using ice screws. The...


Walter bonatti +35000 likes

The mountain has taught me to don't cheat, to be honest with myself and what I was doing. If it's practiced in a certain way it is an undoubtedly harsh school, even cruel sometimes, but sincere as it doesn't always happen in everyday life. So, If I translate these principles in the human world, I will be immediately considered a fool and I will still be punished because I didn't give nudge but I only received. It's really hard to reconcile these differences. Hence the...


Climbing Sardinia – Arrampicate in Sardegna

The shrines of climbing in Sardinia are definitely the areas of Cala Gonone, Baunei, Jerzu and Domusnovas. In the last times new areas are born in a region that has the characteristics of a continent. Roccadoria Monteleone is one of the areas newly nailed and the type of rock is unquestionably unique, ultra-compact tuff and alongside the cliff there is an abandoned quarry where some routes have been equipped on the rock where mechanical diggers worked designing the rock as a paper sheet....


Climbing Greece 2014 (Μετέωρα-Αθήνα)

Click for the Facebook event Click for the calendar 2014 Direzione Verticale...


Climbing wall: The Amazing Spiderman 2

800 children and thousands of onlookers were entertained in just two days of activities: emotions, smiles, hugs, thanks... You were superheroes and we watched you from below with admiration! Thousands of users have climbed our walls, in two days of operations on 19 and 21 April, at one of the most important commercial centres in central-southern Italy the "Vulcano Buono" of Naples. The activity called "A day as Spiderman" anticipated the release of the new movie from...




Office: Via Rajola, 32 80053
Castellammare di Stabia (Napoli).

Indoor Climbing Wall: Via delle Sorgenti, 80051
Agerola (Napoli).

Operating Locations: Alps, Dolomites, Amalfi Coast. Italy


+39 338 727 9878