Walter bonatti +35000 likes

The mountain has taught me to don't cheat, to be honest with myself and what I was doing. If it's practiced in a certain way it is an undoubtedly harsh school, even cruel sometimes, but sincere as it doesn't always happen in everyday life. So, If I translate these principles in the human world, I will be immediately considered a fool and I will still be punished because I didn't give nudge but I only received. It's really hard to reconcile these differences. Hence the importance to fortify the mind, choosing what you want to be. And, once you have chosen a direction, to be so strong as to not succumb to the temptation to take the other. Of course the price to pay for staying true to this "order" is very high. As far as I'm concerned, the spiritual heritage which I obtained is proportional.  There are moments in life when you need to draw conclusions, to make an inventory of yourself, for better or for worse. There are circumstances in which you want to check if your aspirations are always the same or how much they are changed. Because the examination can help must be general and merciless, a difficult valuation, which is halfway between the blind liking of yourself and contempt, between the presumption of being useful to someone and the subtle and painful fear of not to be.

from Farewell Alpinism (1965), p. 273

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Experienced hands of the great Walter Bonatti




Office: Via Rajola, 32 80053
Castellammare di Stabia (Napoli).

Indoor Climbing Wall: Via delle Sorgenti, 80051
Agerola (Napoli).